About the Eaglesham & District Agricultural Society

Eaglesham is a Birch Hills County Community
Centrally located in the Peace River Country of Alberta

We are:

A safe, family friendly community in which to live
An excellent location for Business
An fantastic place to complete an adventurous high school education
with The Eaglesham Outdoor Pursuits Program

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Ag Societies touted as vital in rural Alberta
Click for article

The Eaglesham & District Agricultural Society
Would you like to join our energetic team and help build your community?
Call one of the directors or executive below.
See the “About The Eaglesham Ag Society” link below to view our mission statement

The Eaglesham Fair: 51 years a legacy and changing with the times!
Click for the history

About the Eaglesham & Districts Agricultural Society
Click for executive and staff

Click to see our Our Sponsors